Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ben and Jerrys is the Devil

 Deadlines. Life seems to be ALL about deadlines sometimes, and lately I really haven't been making them.
Here I sit, eating a mini 99 cent cup of Ben & Jerrys Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream,with Greek: Season 2, Episode 3 opened in the next tab INSTEAD of writing essays for the internships I want to apply to, finishing my powerpoint for this organization ONE that tomorrow I will have to show and present to my partner, Michael, or working out some fat.
Somewhere along the way this summer, I lost my motivation. I still have the same dreams, but dreams are only dreams and will never be anything more unless there's action behind them.
I quit swimming, I didn't do half the things I said I was going to this summer, and I haven't had a restful night for the past month.
I want to find the Analisa that emailed the president of Oxford University in the 5th grade, the Analisa that came home and immediately did her homework, the Analisa that could write anything and everything off the bat, the Analisa that ran and bikes a million miles a day.
I have 3 weeks until school starts, and I'm determined to get my shit together.
For some reason, I feel like this would be a good start. I need to get rid of my writer's block- that infamous disease every writer seems to suffer at least once in their life. Although I feel like I'm betraying my faithful and loyal Xanga, they say out of desperation comes good things, (not really, but whatever),
so here goes.

- Analisa